The Most Important Tool for Solopreneurs

The most important tool a solopreneuer needs to be successful isn't a solid business plan. It's this tool that everyone already has but few rarely use.

henever I talk to people dreaming about launching their own freelance career, I tell them the most important thing they need to develop is a powerful mindset.

This might seem obvious, but few of us really tap into the true potential of how our minds operate to achieve what we set out to. For solopreneurs, especially, we must create a practice around mindset starting with our beliefs.Three Truths about Beliefs1. Beliefs exist whether we are conscious of them or not. The truth is that they are constantly influencing our behavior. We have to choose our beliefs purposefully to replace the subconscious workings of our egos.

2. Belief is something we have to practice. Like yoga or meditation, no one is great at it when they first start trying to intentionally decide what beliefs will rule their world. Like our physical muscles, when we work out our belief system day by day, the muscle gets stronger, the movement more intuitive, and it starts taking less effort. We don’t do sit-ups for a day and expect perfect abs. No, we practice, we repeat, we sweat, and some days, we are weary and less than perfect.

3. We have to believe even when it doesn’t make sense. We can’t practice only when everything is working out the way we want it to; we must also believe precisely when things are not. That’s where our true beliefs are unearthed. When our true colors are revealed. And the need to practice is brought to the light.So what do you believe? And is it out of convenience or conviction?


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